
Iva Horn

Notes from a software engineer for iPhone, iPad and Mac apps.

What's new in AppKit (2024)

July 10, 2024 • #AppKit #MacOS #WWDC #WWDC24

Small but useful improvements in the name of convergence. Nothing amazing, though.

Window Tiling

Window tiling has been a feature on other platforms for a long time now. Even on macOS, it was possible since a long time. I think I used BetterSnapTool already a decade ago. The introduction as a built-in feature appears to be well done but kind of overdue. Apple missed the point to be on the leading edge here instead of just catching up with and probably now destroying someone’s little business.

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Context Menus

Context menus for the focussed control now can be opened by a simple keyboard shortcut. That sounds nifty in case you are preferring the keyboard for controlling your computer. Personally, I can live without a mouse but not without a trackpad. Already because of the smooth and precise multi-touch scaling and swiping I cannot imagine living without it. However, when I am not, for example, editing images in Pixelmator, I like to use the keyboard, too. Moving focus from one control to another by tabbing through is a classic move I probably cannot get rid of. Now, having this new possibility, keyboard control becomes even more pleasant. I guess this somehow was possible already with some accessibility settings maybe.

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SF Symbols

I found this to be really cool. Not just the animation options but also how the badges or slashes on icons like folders or the bell can be replaced in an animated way. Especially the latter is involved in a feature implementation I am working on today.

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See this session for further information: WWDC24: What’s new in AppKit.