

Notes from work as an app developer for iPhones, iPads and Macs.

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@preconcurrency Imports

This is one of the things I do not find when I am looking for them but only later by accident. When Xcode is reports warning with strict concurrency checks enabled and they are about Apple’s own frameworks, they might be what you are looking for.

Asynchronous Throwing XPC Protocols

I always thought that @objc protocols put constraints on protocol definitions that make the use of async and throws impossible. Don’t ask me why. It actually is not necessary to use completion handlers. async throws methods can be used instead.

fileproviderctl Is Broken on macOS 13.6 Ventura

macOS 13.6 Ventura shipped a fileproviderctl binary with broken signing which rendered it useless and us unable to properly clean up the environment.

macOS fileproviderctl Is Your Friend

Developing a file provider for macOS is more pleasant developer experience than for iOS. At least in my opinion. One of the reasons is the availabilty of helpful command-line tools like fileproviderctl.

macOS Color Palettes

A quick note how to create, find and backup custom color palettes on macOS.