

Notes from work as an app developer for iPhones, iPads and Macs.

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Logging and Signposting Taxonomy in Concurrency

Having a file provider extension with multiple domains and processes and even more enumerators logging in parallel can become a mess. Leveraging the subsystem and category fields to the rescue.

fileproviderctl Changes in macOS 14.4

Apparently, the feature set of fileproviderctl has been narrowed down to the dismay of developers, testers and even administrators and it appears to be intentional.

MD5 Performance Test App

Out of necessity I created a minimalistic SwiftUI app which performs MD5 hashing to get a rough feeling how efficient it is on Apple devices.

Result Builders To Mock File System

I need to maintain a virtual file system in a CoreData database. Setting up test scenarios is tiresome, so I made use of result builders and its nice.

Convenient NSPredicate Initializers

There is a better way than to repeat the same or similar NSPredicate all the time and it is very nice to read.