

Notes from work as an app developer for iPhones, iPads and Macs.

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Workers Instead of Managers

Breaking down individual features of domain-oriented managers into dedicated implementations improves developer experience.

SwiftUI Platform-Dependent Padding Modifier

Some SwiftUI views I have require padding one platform and none on the other. To avoid preprocessor switches everywhere I created a custom view modifier for it.

File Provider Domain Connection to File Provider Domain

We need file provider extension processes to talk to each other. What first appeared to be prevented by sandbox on iOS works with a different API.

Logging and Signposting Taxonomy in Concurrency

Having a file provider extension with multiple domains and processes and even more enumerators logging in parallel can become a mess. Leveraging the subsystem and category fields to the rescue.

fileproviderctl Changes in macOS 14.4

Apparently, the feature set of fileproviderctl has been narrowed down to the dismay of developers, testers and even administrators and it appears to be intentional.